In the past our Scleroderma Support Group was very active in raising awareness about Scleroderma.
Our members participated, but this effort was driven by Jerry Hill and his good friend John Darling, pictured above. They were members of the Pleasanton, CA Lions Club and through all of their efforts we were able to participate in numerous events and efforts to raise awareness about Scleroderma. Many of the pictures in our Photo Gallery are from those events. Without them none of this would have happened.
The premier event they sponsored was the Sandra J. Hazelhofer Golf Tournament which raised a lot of money for research over several years. Sandy founded and ran the tournament for ten years. She met Jerry when he played in it and convinced him to take it on for another ten years. It was a big deal for us and a lot of fun.
Here are a few of the other events:
News articles in local area papers profiling various members of the support group.
A tour of the Lions Clubs in the East Bay, talking about Scleroderma.
Many local TV and radio interviews including Buzz Covalt, a Pleasanton legend.
First Wednesday in Pleasanton with a booth about Scleroderma. We met John Madden there!
A booth at the Livermore Farmer's Market
A PSA by Brandi Chastain and other professional women soccer players on the CyberRays
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